Reserve Capacity

Reserve Capacity (RC) is our capacity product for the running timetable to provide applicants with an internationally harmonized path offer for new traffic needs during the year.
RC is offered as a guaranteed contingent of “capacity slots” for international freight paths per day, direction and section on Rail Freight Corridor North Sea - Baltic lines. On all RFC sections the number of guaranteed timeslots is one per day. 
The capacity contingent of RC is allocated on the “first come, first served” principle.

Applicants can book RC via the C-OSS until 30 days before the first running day via PCS. After the path construction phase coordinated by the C-OSS, the applicants get the harmonized offer within a time frame of +/- 3 hours at the latest ten days before the first train run. The C-OSS will guide and assist the applicants through the whole process until the Active Timetable.


RC Customer letter

For more information please refer to CID TT2025