Temporary Capacity Restrictions

In accordance with the Regulation (EU) 913/2010 and RNE Guidelines for Coordination/Publication of Planned Temporary Capacity Restrictions RFC North Sea - Baltic publishes a single document which contains the overview of Temporary Capacity Restrictions on the Corridor.

To download the latest information on the Temporary Capacity Restriction of the RFC please click on the below link:

Temporary Capacity Restrictions RFC North Sea - Baltic for the timetable 2025 - 2026 (published 20.08.2024)

Temporary Capacity Restrictt3://file?uid=739t3://file?uid=739ions RFC North Sea - Baltic for the timetable 2026 - 2027 (published 05.02.2025)

RFC NS-B Impact Sheets (published on 05.02.2025)


RFC North Sea – Baltic updates the coordinated TCRs at least twice a year.

Please note the the published document provides only an overview and does not substitute any national law or legislation.

More information in the CID Section 4.