- Zawiadomienie o wyborze najkorzystniejszej oferty
- Zaproszenie do złożenia oferty
- Warunki Zamówienia
- Załącznik nr 1 OPZ
- Załącznik nr 2 Wzór CEF Terms of reference v_nov_2017 do Warunków Zamówienia
- Załącznik 2A contracts list
- Załącznik 2B CFS sampled transactions
- Załącznik nr 3 do Warunków Zamówienia
- Załącznik nr 4 do Warunków Zamówienia
- Załącznik nr 5 do Warunków Zamówienia
- SCI Contract Award Notice
- Notice on the winning offer for Capacity improvement study
- Protocol from opening offers for a Study on Capacity Improvement of the Rail Freight Corridor North Sea-Baltic
- Clarifications to the Tender Rules for Capacity Improvement Study
- EU Notice
- Tender Rules
- Annex 1.1 Terms of reference
- Annex 1.2 List of lines to be analysed
- Annex 2
- Annex 3
- Annex 4
- Annex 5
- Annex 6 Draft contract
- Annex 7
- Contract award notice
- Notice on the winning offer of the TMS
- Protocol from opening offers for a Transport Market Study of the Rail Freight Corridor North Sea - Baltic
- Clarifications to Tender Rules of the TMS
- TMS notice
- Tender Rules for the RFC NS-B Transport Market Study
- Annex No. 1 Terms of Reference
- Annex No. 6 Draft contract
- Editable versions of Annexes
- Notice of annulment of the proceeding for study on Capacity Improvement of the EEIG ”North Sea-Baltic Rail Freight Corridor” EZIG
- Protocol from opening offers for a Study on Capacity Improvement o the EEIG ”North Sea-Baltic Rail Freight Corridor” EZIG
- Notice
- Corrigendum
- Corrigendum II
- Clarifications to the Tender Rules for Capacity Improvement study
- Tender Rules for capacity improvement study
- Annex 1 Terms of Reference
- Annex 1 to ToR - List of lines to be analysed
- Annex 4 Draft contract